Out on spring break but still listening to the podcast? We love it! Actually, your hosts Professors Chesney and Vladeck are out on spring break too, but before they left town they sat down to…
Episode 62: Wait–We Have to Talk About GATT?!?
- March 5, 2018
- Tagged as: abatement, ACLU, al Qaeda, AQAP, Article II, Associated Forces, AUMF, Bill Castle, Burr, China, commander in chief, Commerce Department, DOD GC, dumping, Executive Privilege, FISA, FISC, FISCOR, GATT, GTMO, Hope Hicks, HPSCI, interlocutory appeal, IS, ISIS, Islamic State, military commission, Nashiri, Nunes, override, sanctions, SCOTUS, Secretary Ross, sole organ, spath, SSCI, Steel, Tariffs, Trade Expansion Act, Trump, USA Freedom Act, War Powers Resolution, Warner, WPR, WTO, Wyden, Yemen
It’s not every week on this show that we get to talk about the Trade Expansion Act of 1962 and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade! And if that’s not an appealing hook to get…