Episode 162: The Penn Is Mightier Than the Sword!
- April 8, 2020
- Tagged as: 2339B, 3M, abortion, al Qaeda, AUMF, Barr, CFAA, compelling government interest, Crozier, Defense Production Act, DPA, FBI, FISA, FISC, GM, Governor Abbott, Greg Abbott, GTMO, Horowitz, Inspector General, Jacobson v. Massachusetts, Judge Bates, Lochner, material support, Modly, NDAA FY'12, Pandemia, paracha, quarantine, rational basis review, Sandig, Strict Scrutiny, stupid speeches, Teddy Roosevelt, Trump, Tweed Roosevelt, unauthorized access, vaccine, Westworld, Woods, Woods File, Woods Procedures
We are “live” from Penn Law today! Thanks to the Penn Law National Security Society, not to mention the magic of Zoom, we recorded today with a virtual audience. Tune in for your co-hosts, Professors…