Episode 136: This Podcast Needs a Reboot!
- September 18, 2019
- Tagged as: Acting DNI, Brute Squad, Burr, Coming to America, DNI, Executive Privilege, Fifth Amendment, GTMO, HPSCI, ICWPA, Joe Maguire, Johnson v. Eisentrager, Judge Rao, Kiyemba, Marbury v. Madison, Military Commissions, pre-publication review, Princess Bride, Qassim, Schiff, Snowden, SSCI, Verdugo-Urquidez, Warner, whistleblower protection
And we’re back, with a lot of news to cover! Tune in for discussion and (respectful) debate with our cohosts, Professors Vladeck and Chesney, as the review: Is it proper for the DNI to withhold…