Ah, well, that took a bit longer than expected! We promise we don’t mean to let this become a quarterly show, or even a monthly. Too much national security law for that! In today’s episode,…
Episode 94: The Enemy of My Friend Is My Enemy
- October 10, 2018
- Tagged as: Anti-Nepotism Act, Article 2(4), Article 8, AUMF, Big Brother Watch, China, collective self-defense, Doe v. Mattis, ECHR, extradition, Greta Van Fleet, Indigo Girls, Iran, IS, Islamic State, Ivanka, Jamal Khashoggi, Magnitsky Act, MBS, Ministry of State Security, MSS, Nikki Haley, OEF, Operation Enduring Freedom, Paul McCartney, privacy, Saudi Arabia, surveillance, Syria, Tim Kaine, Trump, UN Ambassador, United Kingdom, War Powers, WPR
It’s a late-night, mid-week episode of the National Security Law Podcast! We’ve got: Senator Kaine’s letter to DOD raising questions about the theory of collective self-defense as applied in the domestic law context, in relation to the…