Episode 59: Share the Cookies
- February 13, 2018
- Tagged as: #mehmo, 2001 AUMF, 2002 AUMF, 9/11, ACORN, Bill of Attainder, Convening Authority, Darbi, death penalty, Doe v. Mattis, DOJ, Due Process, GTMO, Guantanamo, Harvey Rishikoff, IS, ISIS, Islamic State, Japanese Internment, Jeff Sessions, Kaspersky, KSM, learned counsel, MilComs, Military Commissions, Mueller, Nashiri, National Council of Resistance, NDA, NDAA, Noel Francisco, Non-Detention Act, Nunes, plea bargain, Rachel Brand, Rod Rosenstein, Russia, Schiff, spath, Trump
We don’t lack for topics this week! In today’s episode, Professors Vladeck and Chesney eat a number of cookies while talking about the following: Rachel Brand steps down at DOJ. As George III might say,…