Episode 61: Judge Pohl Says: “Hold My Beer”
- February 27, 2018
- Tagged as: 9/11, ACLU, anti-terrorism act, Arab Bank, ATA, Convening Authority, DACA, Darbi, data, extraterritoriality, FISA, FISC, FISCOR, FISCR, HPSCI, JASTA, Judge Pohl, Judge Spath, MCA, McCarthy, Microsoft. CLOUD Act, Military Commissions, Nashiri, Nunes, Patchak, Rishikof, Rubin, Russia, SCA, Schiff Memo, SCOTUS, Senator Kaine, Stored Communications Act, territoriality
No shortage of topics this week, but then again there was no shortage last week, or before that, or…ever. So, what’s on tap? Tune in to hear Professors Chesney and Vladeck explore: A host of…