Wouldn’t want you to be misled by the episode number (though we do actually foreshadow some future Section 230 coverage in light of an upcoming pair of SCOTUS cases)! At any rate: tune in as…
Episode 139: Hello from Austin…Hall?
- October 17, 2019
- Tagged as: AUMF, Boston, botnet, Christopher Krebs, CISA, Cuccineli, DDoS, detention, DHS, Elsheikh, Executive Privilege, FVRA, GTMO, Guantanamo, Impeachment, Judge Rao, Kotey, material support, Military Commissions, military detention, MLAT, NDAA FY'12, Subpoena, Syria, the Beatles, Trumplandia, Turkey, US-UK
We recorded today before a live audience in Austin! Austin Hall, that is, on the campus of Harvard Law School! Special thanks to Matt Morris and the great students of the Harvard National Security &…
In this episode, Professors Chesney and Vladeck run through the array of potential criminal charges against Julian Assange and Wikileaks (in light of recent rumblings that DOJ has revived that possibility), and they discuss the prospects…