After a one-week hiatus, the NSL Podcast is back! Tune in for debate and discussion as Professors Vladeck and Chesney talk about: The Mueller Report and its aftermath Impeachment vs Censure The Trump Subpoena litigation…
Episode 113 – 702 : Madison :: 215 : Hamilton
- March 6, 2019
- Tagged as: 1801(f), 1806, 1810, 50 USC 1861, areas of active hostilities, border emergency, bulk metadata, CFAA, Chelsea Manning, civilian casualties, contact chaining, electronic surveillance, EO 13732, Espionage Act, Fazaga, FBI, Game of Thrones, grand jury, Hamilton, indictment, Judge Berzon, Julian Assange, Madison, McCulloch v. Maryland, mosque, National Emergency Act, NEA, Ninth Circuit, phone records, reasonable expectation of privacy, Reynolds, Section 215, SSP, state secrets, State Secrets Privilege, surveillance, USA Freedom Act, veto, wikileaks
So much to debate, so little time! Tune in as Steve Vladeck and Bobby Chesney plow through a host of recent (and not-so-recent) events in the world of national security law: Fazaga v. FBI –…