Hello from Austin, home of SolarWinds and CyberTrucks! [ed. note: uh, no. Let’s go with home of bbq and tacos instead] We’re back with another round of discussion and debate with Professors Steve Vladeck and…
Hey, we’re back on our weekly schedule! How ’bout that…now we’ll probably skip the next three, but hey, until then, we’ve got a quite a show, not to mention the launch of our holiday charity…
This week on NSL Podcast, co-hosts Steve Vladeck and Bobby Chesney discuss and debate: The U.S. government’s formal statement to Congress on the legal rationale for its airstrike against General Soleimani Trumplandia and law enforcement:…
Episode 153: This Podcast Has All the Elsas (But No Eminem)
- February 12, 2020
- Tagged as: Biggs, Bill Barr, CDC, diplomatic assurances, Donald Trump, GTMO, habeas, imminent attack, Iran, Iraq, Larabee, Main DOJ, Military Whistleblowers Protection Act, non refoulement, Omar Ameen, prosecutorial discretion, prosecutorial independence, quarantine, Roger Stone, SCOTUS, sentencing guidelines, Soleimani, UCMJ, Vindman, War Powers
And we’re back, with a fresh episode at last. Tune in as co-hosts Steve Vladeck and Bobby Chesney discuss and debate the latest national security law developments. This week they cover: Donald Trump pressuring Main…
Episode 129: This Is Quite the War Powers Podcast
- July 24, 2019
- Tagged as: 2339B, 9/11, al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, AQIM, Article II, Asainov, associated force, AUMF, Bill Barr, CID Treatment, Doe v. Mattis, Executive Privilege, going dark, GTMO, Guantanamo, Iran, Islamic State, KSM, Marik String, material support, Military Commissions, National Security Law, outrageous government conduct, Rochin, SCOTUS, shocks the conscience, State Department Legal Advisor, United States v. Nixon, War Powers, West World, Westeros World
This week on the National Security Law Podcast, with co-hosts Bobby Chesney and Steve Vladeck: War Powers: Congressional testimony from the State Department’s Acting Legal Advisor confirms that the administration has placed AQIM on the list…
Episode 103: This Podcast Should Be Dis-BARRed
- December 11, 2018
- Tagged as: Academy Awards, al Alwi, Attorney General Barr, Bill Barr, Deployment Power, DPRK, foreign films, GTMO, habeas, Huawei, IEEPA, Judge Garland, Justice Kavanaugh, Miller Center, OFAC, Oscars, Persian Gulf War, PPG, sanctions, SCOTUS, Somalia, Treasury Department, War Powers, War Powers Resolution, William Barr, WPR, Youngstown
Interested in the views of Once and Future Attorney General Bill Barr on questions like the power of the president to initiate a war, remove officials, and other hot separation of powers topics? We read…