What fun! We recorded this one in front of a large live audience at the Annual Review of the Field conference run by the ABA Standing Committee on Law and National Security, and we did…
Episode 116: This Podcast Can Only Be Detained for Six Months
- April 2, 2019
- Tagged as: 18 U.S.C. 876, 18 USC 956, 21 USC 876, Adham Hasoun, Adham Hassoun, Article II, Bilal Kareem, Bill of Particulars, Bucklew, bulk collection, cash-counting machines, Cruel and Unusual Punishment, DEA, deadpool, Drug Enforcement Agency, Due Process, Due Process Clause, Game of Thrones, Jose Padilla, Mezei, SSP, State Secrets Privilege, Take Care Clause, terrorism, Trump, unenforcement, Zadvydas
Join us as Professors Vladeck and Chesney discuss and debate the latest national security law news! This week we’ve got: The Adham Hassoun case: Can the government hold a terrorism-related individual in long-term immigration custody…