And we’re back! Tune in as Professors Chesney and Vladeck discuss and debate the latest national security legal news, including: The legal framework for Congressional subpoenas (and the problems that arise when the Executive Branch…
Episode 116: This Podcast Can Only Be Detained for Six Months
- April 2, 2019
- Tagged as: 18 U.S.C. 876, 18 USC 956, 21 USC 876, Adham Hasoun, Adham Hassoun, Article II, Bilal Kareem, Bill of Particulars, Bucklew, bulk collection, cash-counting machines, Cruel and Unusual Punishment, DEA, deadpool, Drug Enforcement Agency, Due Process, Due Process Clause, Game of Thrones, Jose Padilla, Mezei, SSP, State Secrets Privilege, Take Care Clause, terrorism, Trump, unenforcement, Zadvydas
Join us as Professors Vladeck and Chesney discuss and debate the latest national security law news! This week we’ve got: The Adham Hassoun case: Can the government hold a terrorism-related individual in long-term immigration custody…
Episode 34: January 2019 as the Start of the 9/11 Trial: Over/Under?
- September 5, 2017
- Tagged as: 2339B, 9/11 trial, Administrative Procedures Act, APA, college football, DACA, DAPA, Deferred Action, designated foreign terrorist organizations, Domestic Terrorism, FBI, GTMO, Guantanamo, IS, Islamic State, Judge Pohl, material support, Military Commissions, Presidential Power, Sessions, Take Care Clause, Trump
In today’s episode, Professors Chesney and Vladeck spend time with three legal topics (before spiraling off into some ill-informed commentary on the college football season). First, building off a report that FBI arrests of Islamic…