Episode 41: Han Shot First
- October 17, 2017
- Tagged as: AC/DC Act, ACLU v. Mattis, active cyber defense, Active Cyber Defense Certainty Act, Articles of State Responsibility, beacons, Councilman Abstention, countermeasures, D Order, Electronic Communications Privacy Act, Enemy Combatant, extraterritoriality, Greedo, Guantanamo, hackback, Han Solo, Iraq, Ireland, ISIS, Islamic State, judicial deference, legal ethics, Microsoft, Military Commissions, Nashiri, national security, National Security Law, nerding out, Rogue One, Solo, Star Wars, Stored Communications Act, Supreme Court, surveillance, Travel Ban, Travel Ban 3.0, Trump, warrant
If you were unsure about whether your hosts are geeks, this episode will help settle the question. But before we get to what Professors Chesney and Vladeck think they know but don’t really, here’s the…