Episode 71: Everyone Knows It Is Saudi Arabia!!!
- April 24, 2018
- Tagged as: 9/11, Assange, Backstreet Boys, Beatles, Carter Page, Chutkan, Comey, Dan Richman, DNC, Doe v. Mattis, Enemy Combatant, espionage, Espionage Act, FISA, Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, FSIA, Grassley, GRU, GTMO, Guccifer 2.0, habeas, hacks, Jackson 5, Libya, military commission, Munaf, N'Sync, National Security Law, non-commercial tort exception, One Direction, Original Classification Authority, Qhatani, Senegal, Special Counsel, Syria, Trumplandia, Valentine, Wiklieaks, Zammar
We have much to discuss in the world of national security and law this week, including but not limited to the worst-kept secret in the world. And we have some grade-A frivolity if you are…