We are back with a fresh episode, hot on the heels of Russia’s latest incursion into Ukraine. Tune in as we survey some of the legal dimensions to this latest development (including discussion of the…
Episode 125: Worst of Both Worlds
- June 18, 2019
- Tagged as: Active Cyber Defense Certainty Act, Article II, Borg, citizen rescue, CMCR, countermeasures, CYBERCOM, declaration of war, defense of nationals, double-jeopardy, GTMO, Guantanamo, hackback, hostage rescue, hostilities, internationally wrongful act, Iran, Libya, Military Commissions, Nashiri, national self defense, Persian Gulf of Tonkin, Rep. Graves, Russia, SCOTUS, separate sovereigns, sovereignty, stare decisis, STTNG, War Powers, WPR
We are back with the latest national security law news, with your co-hosts Steve Vladeck and Bobby Chesney explaining, debating, and–let’s face it–geeking out. This week we’ve got: War Powers: The latest events in the…
Episode 117: Y’all Got Designated
- April 13, 2019
- Tagged as: 2001 AUMF, 2339B, AUMF, Bradley Manning, CBP, CFAA, Chelsea Manning, Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, DHS, dual criminality, duets, dynamic duo, Ecuador, Espionage Act, extradition, Federal Vacancies Reform Act, FTO, hostilities, IEEPA, Iran, IRGC, journalism, Julian Assange, Libya, Lori Love, material support, media freedom, OFAC, President Moreno, S.J. Res. 7, sanctions, Secretary Nielson, War Powers Resolution, wikileaks, WPR, Yemen
Live episode! We recorded this morning before a live audience at the University of Texas School of Law reunion weekend. It was a packed house of terrific alumni, and happily the week’s news conspired (pardon…
Episode 77: Pardon Me?
- June 5, 2018
- Tagged as: al Baluchi, Article II, Bill of Attainder, Binding Operational Directive, Black Sites, Bradley Manning, CFAA, Chelsea Manning, Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, confidential informant, counterterrorism, Dalmazzi, DHS, Doe v. Mattis, DOJ, ECHR, Espionage Act, First Mondays, GTMO, hostilities, Justice Grier, Kaspersky, Libya, Manafort, Military Commissions, Mueller, Nosal, obstruction, OLC, Paul Simon, Prize Cases, RDI, SCOTUS, Shayrat, spygate, Syria, Trump, Trumplandia, War Powers
Hello friends, and welcome back to the latest episode! Last week was a bit quiet, but things are heating up. This week we review and debate: War Powers: This week saw the release of the…
Episode 71: Everyone Knows It Is Saudi Arabia!!!
- April 24, 2018
- Tagged as: 9/11, Assange, Backstreet Boys, Beatles, Carter Page, Chutkan, Comey, Dan Richman, DNC, Doe v. Mattis, Enemy Combatant, espionage, Espionage Act, FISA, Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, FSIA, Grassley, GRU, GTMO, Guccifer 2.0, habeas, hacks, Jackson 5, Libya, military commission, Munaf, N'Sync, National Security Law, non-commercial tort exception, One Direction, Original Classification Authority, Qhatani, Senegal, Special Counsel, Syria, Trumplandia, Valentine, Wiklieaks, Zammar
We have much to discuss in the world of national security and law this week, including but not limited to the worst-kept secret in the world. And we have some grade-A frivolity if you are…
Episode 69: Friday Was Quite a Month
- April 16, 2018
- Tagged as: airstrike, Andy McCabe, armed attack, Article 2(4), Article 51, Attorney-Client Privilege, Black Panther, Category III, chemical weapons, Comey, humanitarian intervention, Justice Jackson, Libya, Mets, Michael Cohen, New York Mets, OIG, OLC, Prize Cases, Rod Rosenstein, Russia, SDNY, Search Warrant, security council, Steel Seizures, Syria, tripartite framework, Trump, UN Charter, unwilling/unable, WMD
In light of the amazing developments last Friday, we decided to move the show up to today. Tune in for discussion of five things that happened just that one day: A deep dive on the…
Episode 67: CTRL-F Redaction Fail
- April 3, 2018
- Tagged as: 9/11, al Qaeda, AQIM, AUMF, Belmokhtar, CLOUD Act, detainee transfer, Doe v. Mattis, Drones, Dual-Office Holding, Executive Agreements, Federal Vacancies Reform Act of 1998, IS, Islamic State, JASTA, Jesus Christ Superstar, Libya, Manafort, Mueller, Munaf, Ronny Jackson, SCA, Sessions, Shulkin, Special Counsel, Stored Communications Act, VA, Valentine, Westworld
Welcome back to the National Security Law Podcast! This week, Professors Vladeck and Chesney review the following recent developments: A drone strike against AQIM targets in southwestern Libya: What if anything does this tell us…