We have much to discuss in the world of national security and law this week, including but not limited to the worst-kept secret in the world. And we have some grade-A frivolity if you are…

Welcome back to the National Security Law Podcast!  This week, Professors Vladeck and Chesney review the following recent developments: A drone strike against AQIM targets in southwestern Libya: What if anything does this tell us…

With apologies for short shownotes, here are the headlines for this week’s NSL Podcast: The McCabe firing The prospect of legislation permitting judicial review of any decision to fire Mueller An update of the declaration…

You might not want to watch the State of the Union tonight, but don’t miss this episode of the podcast! This week we cover: The missing Russia sanctions?  A statute enacted last summer appears at first…

Are your other podcasts letting you down by taking a holiday break?  Never fear, National Security Law Podcast is here! With two host who would much rather be podcasting than grading exams, you are assured…

Seriously, how did they manage not to say “posse comitatus” during this episode?  Sigh.  In this week’s episode, Professors Vladeck and Chesney do talk at length about various legal issues raised by the devastation in…

School’s out for summer…but the National Security Law Podcast keeps trucking along.  In Episode 19, we find that the suddenly-student-less professors have used their newfound free time to…wait for it…add music to their intro.  And just…