Sorry that football season is over?  Lucky for you, the National Security Law Podcast has no offseason!  And lucky for your co-hosts, the world keeps generating new topics for conversation and debate.  This week, Professors Vladeck…

President Trump has declassified the Nunes Memo and it now is available to the public.  Your hosts–Professors Bobby Chesney and Steve Vladeck–give it a deep-dive review here in a special-edition podcast episode.  Tune in to…

Happy anniversary, y’all!  It’s been one full year since we launched this podcast, and we are very grateful for all our listeners.  Here’s hoping there is *less* to discuss in our second year! This week,…

In this week’s episode, Professors Chesney and Vladeck take on three sets of issues under the national security law heading: ACLU v. Mattis (the US citizen enemy combatant case): Since the last episode, the government…

In this week’s episode, your devoted hosts dig into a bonanza of national security law odds-and-ends. First up is an en banc decision by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review involving the standing of…

In this week’s episode, Professors Chesney and Vladeck explore three big national security law developments from the past few days. First up: the news that the FISC, on two separate occasions, issued orders authorizing surveillance…

In this episode, Professors Chesney and Vladeck run through the array of potential criminal charges against Julian Assange and Wikileaks (in light of recent rumblings that DOJ has revived that possibility), and they discuss the prospects…